Displaying information about themes

  • <?php
     * Fetch information about themes.
    function xray_stats_enabled_themes() {
    $themes = list_themes();
    $num_themes = count($themes);
    // Initialize variables for the data we will collect.
    $num_hidden = 0; // Number of hidden themes.
    $num_enabled = 0;
    $summaries = array();
    // Iterate through each theme, gathering data that we care about.
    foreach ($themes as $themename => $theme) {
    // Do not gather statistics for hidden themes, but keep a count of them.
    if (isset($theme->info['hidden']) && $theme->info['hidden']) {
        else { 
    // This is a visible theme.
    if ($theme->status) {
    // This is an enabled theme, provide more stats.
    $summaries[$theme->info['name']] = array(
    'regions' => count($theme->info['regions']),
    'overlay_regions' => count($theme->info['overlay_regions']),
    'regions_hidden' => count($theme->info['regions_hidden']),
    'features' => count($theme->info['features']),
    'kindsofstylesheets' => count($theme->info['stylesheets']),
    'allstylesheets' => isset($theme->info['stylesheets']['all']) ? count($theme->info['stylesheets']['all']) : 0,
    compact('num_themes', 'num_hidden', 'num_enabled', 'summaries');

     * Summary data for Appearance section (admin/appearance).
    function xray_appearance_summary() {
    $data = array();
    $data['themes'] = xray_stats_enabled_themes();

     * Returns HTML text summary of Appearance section (admin/appearance) data.
     * @param $attributes
     *   (optional) An associative array of HTML tag attributes, suitable for
     *   flattening by drupal_attributes().
     * @param $variables
     *   An associative array containing:
     *   - data: result of xray_appearance_summary().
     * @ingroup themeable
    function theme_xray_appearance_summary($variables) {
    $themes = $variables['data']['themes'];
    // Collapse attributes for paragraph tag to a string.
    $attr = drupal_attributes($variables['attributes']);


    $output = '';
    $output .= "<p $attr>";
    $output .= t('This site');
    $output .= ' ';
    $output .= format_plural(
    $themes['num_themes'] - $themes['num_hidden'],
    'has only one theme available',
    'has @count themes available'
    $output .= ' ';
    $output .= format_plural(
    'plus one hidden theme.',
    'plus @count hidden themes.'
    $output .= ' ';
    $output .= t('Of the non-hidden themes,');
    $output .= ' ';
    $output .= format_plural(
    'one is enabled.  The enabled theme',
    '@count are enabled.  In the enabled themes,'
    $output .= ' ';
    $summaries = array();
      foreach (
    $themes['summaries'] as $name => $info) {
    $summary = '';
    $summary .= $name . ' ';
    $summary .= format_plural(
    'has one region',
    'has @count regions'
        if (
    $info['overlay_regions'] || $info['regions_hidden']) {
    $summary .= ' ' . t('(including') . ' ';
    $summary .= format_plural(
    'one overlay region',
    '@count overlay regions'
    $summary .= ' ' . t('and') . ' ';
    $summary .= format_plural(
    'one hidden region',
    '@count hidden regions'
    $summary .= ')';
    $summaries[] = $summary;
    $output .= xray_oxford_comma_list($summaries);
    $output .= '.';
    $output .= '</p>';